Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Greetings! I can't believe Thanksgiving is here!
I hope you all have a wonderful break and continue to think about MATTER!
How is your research coming?
Remember, "Cubes" are due December 16...I am so excited to see what you create!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome back 8th graders!
I am so excited for the new school year!
We will begin studying "Properties of Matter" on Tuesday!
Don't forget...your signed safety contract/grading policy is due Tuesday!

P.S. Congrats to last years 8th graders who passed their Science MSP! I am so proud of you!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The end of the school year is approaching...

REMEMBER- Your Children's Science Book is due Friday, June 3, 2011.
- We will be walking to Vale Monday and Tuesday, June 6-7, to read to the 2nd

We will have an end of the year test on Wednesday, June 8. It will cover Properties of Matter and Human Body Systems...aren't you excited to reflect on how much you've learning this year?

"The best angle to approach any obstacle, problem or task is the try-angle."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

We just finished learning about the heart and lungs...AMAZING! How did you do on your test?

Now, get ready for GENETICS!!!! We'll do a survey of our genetic traits and learn about Gregor Mendel. So much science, so little time!

Remember, 8th graders have the opportunity to show what they know on the science MSP...let's beat last year's scores! You can do it!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We are beginning research on a disease or health career today! Students have a rubric and an outline for this project, and can work with a partner or individually! Posters will be due Thursday, March 31st!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thanks to all of those wonderful parents and community members for helping with Science Night! Even though the numbers were low this year, there were lots of fun and exciting opportunities for those who made it! Thanks!

We have an assessment coming up this Friday..."Understanding Digestion!" Students will receive a rubric for this on Friday and create a poster that will be due on Monday!

Friday, January 28, 2011

It's time again for 8th grade science night!
Wednesday, February 16, from 6-7:30 pm, 8th graders come to CMS to learn about science in our community!
Many exciting experiences await, as well as extra credit points for attending!
More information to come!