Friday, January 11, 2013

Cube Research Project

Your cube research bibliography is due
Monday, January 14 !
Turn in the typed page to Mr. Robertson by the end of the day on Monday, then he will give them to me.

I have a pattern and paper for you to use to make your cube.  Remember, all writing should be in your own words, and pictures or diagrams should be original, (drawn by you and/or you partner).

Project due Wednesday, January 23!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

2013, can you believe it?

The end of the 2nd quarter is January 25th.
All 8th graders will complete a "Cube" research project!

Lesson 10: “Cube Project”                                                                                Individual or Partner

1.   Select a simple manufactured object to research.

2.      Use a variety of sources (at least 3) to find information about the object’s major materials.

3.      Create a research “cube” and present to the class.

1 : something made from raw materials by hand or by machinery

2   a: the process of making wares by hand or by machinery especially when carried on systematically     

        with division of labor

     b: a productive industry using mechanical power and machinery

3 : the act or process of producing something


5 sides of your cube will cover different areas of research about your object.

v  Function: what does it do? What is it used for?

v  History of the object: discovered by? First made and used? Changes over time with the help of technology?

v  Major materials that make up the object.

v  Why these materials were chosen: what properties make them good for making the object?

v  Origin of one major material: what is the raw material that it comes from? Where is it found, and what processes does it undergo to become useable?

On this paper, include your bibliography. This should be a list of at least 3 sources you used to find information about your object. You can use 1 internet resource, 1 book, magazine or newspaper, and 1 reference book/encyclopedia.



what does it do? What is it used for? Extra details/diagrams provided.
what does it do? What is it used for?
1 of 2 required parts missing or unclear.
Function of object unclear
History of the object
discovered by? First made and used? Changes over time with the help of technology? Other interesting info. or details included.
discovered by? First made and used? Changes over time with the help of technology?
1-2 of 3 required parts missing or unclear.
History of object incomplete.
Major materials that make up the object
Major materials that make up the object. Extra details provided.
Major materials that make up the object.
Some materials are listed, but not explained.
Major materials are not listed or explained.
Why these materials were chosen
what properties make them good for making the object? Several scientific reasons are explained with detail.
what properties make them good for making the object? Some scientific reasons are explained.
Properties of the materials are unclear or hard to understand. Science reasons are not provided.
A few properties are listed but not explained.
Origin of one major material
what is the raw material that it comes from? Where is it found, and what processes does it undergo to become useable? Geographic locations identified and processes explained.
what is the raw material that it comes from? Where is it found, and what processes does it undergo to become useable?
1-2 of 3 required parts missing or unclear.
Origin of one material incomplete.
At least 3 different sources are listed correctly on bibliography page with zero errors.
At least 3 different sources are listed correctly on bibliography page with one error.
2 different sources are listed correctly on bibliography page or 2-3 errors.
1 source listed or 4-5 errors.
Pictures and/or diagrams are original, neat and include color. Extra time and care is clearly evident.
Pictures and/or diagrams are original, neat and include color.
Pictures and/or diagrams are original but lack neatness or color.
Pictures and/or diagrams are not original, neat or colored.
Spelling and punctuation
0 errors
1-2 errors
3-4 errors
5-6 errors
7+ errors
Design and creativity
The cube is well constructed, complete on all 5 sides, and shows creativity.
The cube is complete on all 5 sides, and shows creativity.
The cube is mostly complete on all 5 sides, and shows some creativity.
The cube is incomplete on all 5 sides or lacks creativity.
The cube is incomplete and lacks creativity.
Object information is explained in a clear speaking voice and eye contact is made with the audience. It is obvious that the student rehearsed.
Object information is explained in a clear speaking voice and eye contact is made with the audience.
Object information is explained but speaking voice or eye contact with the audience could improve.
Explanation is unclear or incomplete. Student seems unprepared.
Student did not present.